
Support Groups for Depression and Anxiety

Emotions Anonymous (EA) - EA is a 12-step program, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous.  People join EA in order to help themselves better understand their emotions and lead a more manageable life by following the EA program and using the EA materials.  EA is a spiritual program, not a religious program.  EA does not advocate any particular belief system. The steps suggest a belief in a power greater than ourselves. This can be human love, a force for good, the group, nature, the universe, God, or any entity a member chooses as a personal higher power.  There are people who attend EA groups who are atheists or agnostics and who choose to simply not choose a higher power but follow the other principles of the organization and attend in order to find social support to help them in managing their emotions.  EA will not replace individual therapy for a person who is struggling with significant depression.  However, it can be a useful support group for people to attend in addition to participating in regular individual counseling sessions.  Here is a link to find a group meeting near you.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America:  The Anxiety and Depression Association of America offers a list of support groups across the country for people suffering from depression.  Here is a link to find a group near you.  While this group will not replace individual counseling, it can be a useful tool to find additional support in one's recovery journey.

Social Phobics Anonymous (SPA) - SPA is a 12-step program that is specifically focused on helping people with social anxiety problems.  The mission of SPA is to help social anxiety sufferers learn now to use the 12 Steps to recover from social anxiety.   Similar to other 12-step recovery programs, the 12 steps suggest a belief in a power greater than ourselves.  However, this power can be human love, a force for good, the group, nature, the universe, God, or any entity a member chooses as a personal higher power.  There are people who attend SPA groups who are atheists or agnostics and who choose to simply not choose a higher power but follow the other principles of the organization and attend in order to find social support to help them to overcome social anxiety issues.  Here is a link for SPA.

Reading Material for Depression or Anxiety

  1. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy- This is a book that does not include spiritual principles for healing from depression.  It is a powerful book for teaching some principles of cognitive behavior therapy for depression.  
  2. What Do I Say Next? Talking Your Way to Business and Social Success.  This is a book that can provide practical ways for starting and maintaining a conversation with others.  
  3. Intimate Connections: The Clinically Proven Program For Making Close Friends and Finding A Loving Partner.  This book provides practical techniques for finding relationships, improving communication, and building a relationship.